
Browsable Slideshow example with Interactive Menu and Audio. The archive contains both project files for BD Author and EasyBD. Interactive menu created with IG Editor.
Heart of a dragon BD example mutliplexed with EasyBD. Interactive menu created with IG Editor.
EasyBD template example mutliplexed with EasyBD. Interactive menu created with Quick BD Menu.
SWISSVIEW BD example mutliplexed with EasyBD. Interactive menu created with IG Editor.
In/Out Effects creation step by step tutorial for IG Editor.
In/Out Effects example created with IG Editor.
Quick BD Menu example (includes project file and *.ies file for IG Editor):

Tony Laughton from Promo Scape tour

Tony Laughton from Promo Scape takes you through creating a basic menu and some of the features in Quick BD Menu: